Guillermo Martín Bermejo

Guillermo Martin Bermejo’s drawings reference both historical paintings and literature to form a very personal universe. A romantic inner world populated by the creative minds that have comforted and inspired him throughout his life. Drawn in pencil on pages from second-hand notebooks and the covers of paperback books, Bermejo’s work, although deceptively simple in composition, is woven with his own life experiences and memories. Some are simple portraits while others develop into elaborated scenes where characters from the canons of creative history interact with the settings and traditions of the artist’s village in the mountains north of Madrid. Their disarmingly naive quality evokes the complexity of a personal realm, where fiction overlaps with reality and the narratives of famous artists are interwoven with Guillermo’s own life.
Guillermo Martin Bermejo’s works have been exhibited in Spain, the UK, Belgium and France. His oeuvre has also been shown in institutional exhibitions at the Museo Lázaro Galdiano, the Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga, and the Academia de San Fernando in Madrid. His works appear in notable collections such as the Koç Collection, Istanbul; Colección Caja Madrid, Biblioteca Francisco Javier Martin Abril, Valladolid, and the Spanish Embassy in Tokyo, Japan.